Tornado relief donations urged at play-in games

In response to the catastrophic tornadoes which struck six southern states on Wednesday, the Kansas Expocentre, North American Hockey League (NAHL) and SMG are teaming up to collect emergency funds for the American Red Cross Disaster Relief.
Both tonight (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday), donations will be accepted at the Kansas Expocentre prior to the NAHL play-in series games of the Robertson Cup Playoffs.
The games - with free admission and free parking - will determine the final berth to the upcoming Robertson Cup Championship Tournament, which will be held from May 3-7 at the Kansas Expocentre.
"Yesterday’s devastation in the south is a vivid reminder to many area residents of the 1966 Topeka tornado," said Kansas Expocentre general manager H.R. Cook. "This is a time for our citizens to come together and aid other communities in need. We hope to see a long line of cars pulling into the parking lot as people leave work this evening."
Cash donations can be dropped off outside the northeast entrance to Landon Arena beginning at 5 p.m. or anytime during the games, which start at 7 p.m.
For non-Topeka residents wanting to donate to the American Red Cross for the tornadoes and fires in the south, text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10. Donations will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from your prepaid account. Message and data rates may apply. For more information, visit
Non-Topeka residents can also call the Kansas Capital Arena Red Cross (785) 354-9237 between 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Visa and Mastercard is accepted.